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Barcelona Youngster Makes Euro 2024 History

Imagine playing for your country in a major tournament aged 16. Lamine Yamal has done just that.

The Barcelona star became the youngest man to play at the European Championship as he played a key role in Spain’s vibrant 3-0 win against Croatia on Saturday.

He was up against Real Madrid’s 38-year-old Luka Modric, who was 21 when Yamal was born, had just won his second Croatian league title and had made 14 appearances for Croatia.

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But the tricky winger – full name Lamine Yamal Nasraoui Ebana – made a mockery of his age as he continually danced his way through Croatia’s defence, helping his country make a real statement in their Euro 2024 opener.

Yamal’s wicked cross created Dani Carvajal’s third goal, and he could easily have scored himself had it not been for good goalkeeping by Dominik Livakovic.

Having already played 51 times for Barcelona, scoring seven goals, perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised to see Yamal mixing it with the very best.

Those who know him best certainly aren’t.

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