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Everton’s Tom Davies confirms sideline till season

Everton midfielder Tom Davies has revealed he won’t return from injury until next season, in response to a fan comment on his Instagram.

The Toffees midfielder picked up a hamstring injury in November and underwent successful surgery last month, the club revealed.

But while rumours swirled about when he would return to action, the 23-year-old has taken to Instagram and confirmed to a fan on his profile that he won’t be back on the pitch until next season.

Under his most recent post on February 16th, a fan asked him when they could see him back on the pitch to which Davies directly responded to him saying, “next season” with a crying emoji.

Davies hasn’t featured since coming on as a substitute against Tottenham in November, one of seven appearances in all competitions this season.

Davies is the exact type of midfielder that Everton fans love and adore and it’s not just because he came through their academy.

He always plays with maximum work rate and determination, while never being afraid to stick a foot in but also showing some quality on the ball too.

With Frank Lampard now in charge and having previous with young players, Davies would have been hoping to recover and get back to work under the England legend to improve his game.

That will have to wait until next season now with this latest update and it means he won’t have any say on whether or not they can stay in the Premier League this season.

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Hopefully he can get himself fit for pre-season and prepare well ahead of the new season before making a big impact on Lampard and the team to get his Toffees career back on track.

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