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Liverpool have no world-class players – including Salah, says Sacchi

Former AC Milan and Italy coach, Arrigo Sacchi, has had a pop at the individual quality of Liverpool’s players.

Sacchi used Liverpool when defending his claims that Inter Milan’s football belongs in the 1960s.

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He said, “Perhaps I expressed myself badly or perhaps they misunderstood me.

“Inter are playing good football at the Italian level, but at the international level they are not winning or only win one in 100 times. Without pressing and without dominating the game you are limited in as for how far you can go.

“We must be optimistic. And a team that always has to chase the game cannot be optimistic.

“Liverpool do not have a world-class player. When (Mohamed) Salah was in Italy he was a good player, but not world-class… But they play at a very high pace and intensity.”


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