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Protestors call for Israel to be banned from Paris 2024

With their hands painted red in support of Palestine, the protesters repeated a demonstration from March to persuade IOC officials to ban Israel from the Games. The event was organised by several groups. Among them was the European Muslim Forum.

Last Wednesday, demonstrators again called for a boycott of Israel at the Paris 2024 Olympics. They had done so in early March. On that occasion, a letter was delivered to officials of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) urging a total ban on the participation of Israeli athletes in the competition. The European Muslim Forum promoted the event at the time. It was again one of the many organisations supporting Palestine and strongly protesting the ongoing situation in Gaza.

On Wednesday, protesters gathered at the IOC headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland. They crowded the entrance to the main building. They painted their hands red to symbolise the months-long conflict in Gaza. “How can an athlete with blood on his hands compete with another national team?” Anna Stamou, representing the European Muslim Forum, told Inside The Games.

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Wednesday’s demonstration was peaceful, with no incidents requiring police intervention, and lasted two hours. Protesters carried banners reading “Boycott Israel, boycott genocide”, “Humanity has failed” and “Free Palestine”. Since March, when the first demonstration calling for a boycott of Israel took place, the IOC has not communicated anything new, according to the European Muslim Forum. This is why they are continuing their protests.

“This is why the EMF, together with other local and international organisations, is fighting to raise awareness and demand that the right should prevail. This is the reason for the constant demonstrations in front of the IOC, even though the answer is always in favour of Israel. Each and every time, both verbally and in writing. However, we believe in the power of the people, in justice, in fairness, and we will continue to protest and demand fair play from the IOC,” Stamou concluded.

“This is why the EMF, together with other local and international organisations, is fighting to raise awareness and demand that the right should prevail. This is the reason for the constant demonstrations in front of the IOC, even though the answer is always in favour of Israel. Each and every time, both verbally and in writing. However, we believe in the power of the people, in justice, in fairness, and we will continue to protest and demand fair play from the IOC,” Stamou concluded.

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