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Serie A: Pogba faces two-year ban in doping trial

50 days after his failed doping test came to light, Juventus midfielder Paul Pogba is heading towards a sporting trial in Italy that could carry a two-year ban from football.

La Gazzetta dello Sport details how the 30-year-old Frenchman is still suspended as a precaution after the outcomes of his doping test in late August and subsequent counter-analysis, both of which tested positive for DHEA, which can help boost natural production of testosterone.

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Pogba could be at risk of being handed a four-year ban, but this seems unlikely, relying on both no plea deal and the judge’s belief that he consciously consumed the banned substance.

The anti-doping code allows for a less severe penalty should the accused admit their responsibility, which is why a two-year ban seems more likely. The code doesn’t refer to a plea deal but instead an ‘agreement between parties’.

In the meantime, Pogba has suffered his first defeat. The Frenchman had requested a ‘single hearing’ at the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne, but this was rejected after the World Anti-Doping Agency refused to give the green light. As such, the Juventus midfielder is on the path to trial.

Pogba now has two options – reaching an agreement with the anti-doping prosecutors for half the ban length initially requested, which would also require the green light from WADA, or risk everything in a sporting trial at the Anti-Doping Sports Tribunal. In the first instance, he’d be unable to appeal but in the second he could still appeal to CAS.

It’s been almost a month since the results of the Frenchman’s counter analysis have come to light. The anti-doping prosecutors are still completing their investigation and Pogba could be referred within the next 10 days. From then on, he has 20 days to choose between an agreement or a trial. The latter would then be set within 40 days.

Pogba is unable to train with the Juventus squad at Continassa, so is training at home with his personal trainer, using the gym and the swimming pool.

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